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Thankfully most births are cheerful occasions and all goes well with the delivery of the baby. However, in approximately 3 out of every 100 births there are serious birth injuries. Not all birth injuries are the result of medical mistakes and malpractice but if the medical treatment received fell below the accepted medical standard of care and if the child birth injuries were caused by the mistake, there may be a medical malpractice case that Mercer Law Firm's child birth injury attorneys can help you prosecute and win.

When a child has suffered serious birth injuries, the child and the parents need the help of an experienced medical malpractice law firm and the expertise of an experienced child birth injury attorney. Medical experts are required to prove medical malpractice cases. They review the medical records along with medical records and details from the child birth injury or condition and provide expert opinions. An expert obstetrician reviews the records and the medical literature to investigate and determine whether the case has merit. Mercer Law Firm's experienced child birth injury attorneys retain and work with medical professionals across the nation to prepare your case for trial.

Mercer Law Firm is one of the most experienced child birth injury law firms in Oklahoma. When you retain a child birth injury attorney from Mercer Law Firm, you have the most experienced and knowledgeable legal help you can receive. Our child birth injury attorneys have reviewed hundreds of medical files and have obtained countless verdicts and settlements on areas ranging from forceps injuries, asphyxiation damage, failure to properly c-section, medication errors, improper amniocentesis technique, failing to timely deliver the child, improper assessment of fetal age, and virtually all types of child birth injuries.

Tod Mercer's experience and expertise in child birth injury cases involving catastrophic injury and wrongful death to children is well known to defense attorneys, doctors, hospitals and insurance companies. Mercer Law Firm prepares each child birth injury case for trial but the firm's experience and reputation allows its clients to avoid jury trials in many instances via favorable settlements. There is no substitute for experience, expertise and reputation for obtaining good results.